The Bookmark Button Won't Import

When I'm already looking at my KDP reports and click the BookPerformer bookmark, the bookmark forwards me to BookPerformer instead of starting an import.

The BookPerformer Bookmark Button is a smart button. This means that it can look at the webpage you're on and decide if it has enough information to import your KDP data. If you're viewing your KDP reports but the URL does not have enough data to import your reports to BookPerformer, the bookmark will take you to BookPerformer and give you a new link to follow into your KDP reports. This new link will ensure that following this link to your KDP reports page will make the necessary data available. It is only by following this link that the BookPerformer Bookmark Button will be able to import your data.

My Data is Wrong

I've tried importing my data, but something looks wrong in my charts.

If you've imported your data from KDP but your charts aren't displaying correctly (or the numbers are off), please let us know. We understand that we may not have accounted for all of the many different types of data that can exist within a KDP account. But we'd love the opportunity to make it right and improve the system in the process. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we improve the site to handle your specific situation.